Pioneers for my Rogue Trader Army. They are sourced from the Saiphan Planetary Defence Force. Essentially combat engineers they carry the hand tools to build bridges, or burn and cut through any fortification. They also carry Milner Pattern Surveyor carbines, that have an auspex in their massive optic to help them find enemies and booby traps. Pioneers with Grapnel Launchers carry shotguns in lieu of Milner Pattern weapons.
-Victoria Miniatures
-Van Diemen's World Devils 10 Man Squad
-Brodie Helmet Heads
-Bread Bags x5
-Pistons and Pistons
-Milner Pattern Surveyor Rifle
-Shotguns set
-Anvil Industries
-Field Radio / Communications Sets (5)
-Atalan Jackals (for the side saddle bags, to be used as backpacks)
-Primaris Reivers (for holstered grapnel launchers used as backpacks)
-Command Squad (for holstered pistol)
Armor - Army Painter Warpaints Angel Green
Shirt & Gaiters - Army Painter Warpaints Army Green w/ Citadel Athonian Camoshade
Pants - Army Painter Monster Brown w/ Agrax Earthshade
Skin – Army Painter Tanned Flesh then add Barbarian Flesh
Wood Stock – leather brown w/ army painter dark tone wash
Rifle highlights - Vallejo Gunmetal
Rifle Magazine – Citadel Skavenblight Dinge
Boots & Belt – Army Painter Oak Brown