Friday, July 5, 2019

Saiphan Planetary Defense Force Troops

Saiphan Planetary Defense Force Troops

To be played as Astra Milatarum Infantry Squad.


The Saiphan planetary defense force is a local Imperial Guard equivalent. They wear flack vests, and wide brimmed helmets to repel rain and artillery fragments. The green sweat wicking shirts and brown canvas work pants of frontier woodsman is used as a uniform.

The Milner Pattern Laser Rifle, based off of the M-35, produces a similar power output and the ability to share battery packs with other lasrifles. The laser components are made by an Adeptus Mechanicus forge, and then completed with barrels, wooden stocks, and iron sights by local craftsmen.

Being a frontier world, all healthy males of Saiphan attend a boot camp before the age of 16, and volunteers will be kept as an active component while a majority will return to their homes with their lasrifles to join a local militia. Those who excel can be moved to a void regiment to serve the Rogue Trader house who govern Saiphan directly.

Paint Scheme:
Amor - Army Painter Warpaints Angel Green
Shirt & Gaiters - Army Painter Warpaints Army Green w/ Citadel Athonian Camoshade
Skin – Army Painter Tanned Flesh then add Barbarian Flesh
Wood Stock – leather brown w/ army painter dark tone wash
Rifle highlights - Vallejo Gunmetal
Rifle Magazine – Citadel Skavenblight Dine
Boots & Belt – Army Painter Oak Brown